by: Mannat Arora
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Let’s guess: You naively optimized your content for some keywords and were terribly let down when it didn’t rank on Google?  

Alas! The good old days are over, friend. Keywords matter for ranking but they’re the tip of a complex ecosystem. SEO has become an ocean where websites are mere droplets fighting to prove their existence.  

So why are businesses investing in SEO in spite of it requiring a minimum of 4-6 months to work? Although your products and services are top-notch, why are your competitors dominating the digital space? What strategies are they using to rank at the top?  

We’ll address all your problems in this blog post. Keep reading to get your answers.  

With agencies and startups fighting for recognition on the Internet, many brands are clinging to outdated techniques such as “keyword stuffing” which is doing more harm to SEO ranking than good.  

The truth is, SEO in 2024 isn’t about gaming the system—it’s about mastering it.  

By understanding how SEO has evolved and embracing current best practices, you can build a foundation that doesn’t just survive algorithm updates but thrives on them.  

The only condition is to let go of the “I need results now” mindset and let SEO work its compounding magic. 

Ready to discover how modern SEO really works? Dive straight in!  

Evolution of SEO Till 2024 

The term ‘SEO’ was popularized in 1997 [1]  after the invention of the World Wide Web in the 1990s.  

Initially, all a page needed to rank on Google was keyword stuffing, meta tags, and a good domain authority.  

However, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have taken Search Engine Optimization to the next level.  

Today, SEO is the high-school nerd that has turned into your boss. You can’t fool it anymore! 

Google processes 8.5 billion searches per day [2] and with each search, the algorithm trains itself to deliver relevant results to the user.  

Today to rank your content you need to optimize for: 

  • High-quality user experience 
  • Mobile-first design principles 
  • Backlinks from authoritative websites 
  • Domain Authority and URL 
  • Appropriate usage of keywords 
  • Social media interconnection 
  • Real value to the audience 

This may seem like a lot but with the right long-term SEO strategy, your business can reap great rewards.  

Importance of SEO In Today’s Digital Landscape 

SEO is undoubtedly a lot of work.  

But, just like Rome, Google SEO didn’t evolve in a day.  

Through continuous improvisations over 30+ years, it has become the mastermind of today’s digital world.  

Despite the patience and perseverance, it demands, here are 5 reasons you need SEO for business growth: 

1. Organic traffic: Organic traffic growth increases reach and impressions greatly as compared to paid search.  

Research shows that organic search brings 53% of website traffic while only 15% comes from paid advertisements [3].  

2. Return on Investment: SEO return on investment is about 748%. This implies that with every dollar you invest, your business gets a return of $7.48 [4].  

3. Improved User Experience: SEO helps prioritize the content the user is looking for.  

By optimizing your webpages for SEO, you ensure seamless search for the user increasing credibility.  

4. Brand Building: Following the right SEO strategies can help your website get higher rankings.  

This helps your brand reach a wider audience and emerge at the top of your competitors. 

5. Lead Acquisition: SEO gets more eyeballs on your content which directly affects the sales you make through ads and services on your website. 

Factors Affecting SEO   

Your competitors rank before you even though your services are better because they’ve optimized their content for the right SEO parameters.  

Here are 6 Factors contributing to SEO success that you should optimize for: 

1. On-page SEO: On-page SEO factors include keywords with low competition, better search volume, and meta tags. 

SEO content optimization also involves writing content that addresses user intent, provides comprehensive data, includes multimedia, and is structured for featured snippets. 

Tool: Ahrefs Keyword Generator helps you find the best keywords for your content. The best part? It’s free!  

2. Off-page SEO: A high-ROI Off-page SEO strategy takes time to build but is treated with utmost importance by search engines.  

To optimize for Off-page SEO, you need to work on getting backlinks from authoritative and RELEVANT websites and focus on increasing social media engagement. 

Tool: This FREE Backlink Checker will help you find backlinks for you and your competition.  

3. Technical SEO: Apart from On-page and Off-page SEO, your website needs to be optimized for Technical SEO. 

This involves working on page load speed (under 3 seconds), mobile responsiveness, a secure HTTPS connection, simple URL structure, and XML sitemap optimization. 

4. User Experience (UX): SEO and user experience go hand-in-hand.  

For an ideal UX, you must focus on intuitive navigation, clear call-to-actions, minimal pop-ups and ads, and fast-loading pages. 

5. Algorithm Updates: You can’t make your website rank by following outdated techniques.  

You need to keep up with the current trends and keep updating content to optimize for it. 

Following proven SEO best practices like the ones listed above will help you in SEO marketing.  

To get important news on digital marketing, check out our expertly-written blogs.  

Should You Invest in SEO? 

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room.  

Is SEO still relevant in 2024? 

The simple and honest answer? YES. 

SEO takes time but so does anything worthwhile.  

If you invest in an SEO agency,  

Month 1-2: The focus will be on improving your SEO foundation.  

Month 3-4: You’ll start observing the changes in your website’s rank.  

Month 5-6: There’ll be a noticeable traffic shift.  

Month 7+: Voila! The Compounding Effect will cause significant growth.  

SEO investment is, therefore, a great investment in 2024 and for the years to come if: 

  • You’re in it for the long-term SEO benefits 
  • Your target audience uses search engines 
  • You have a quality product or service and, 
  • You’re committed to creating value 

You don’t have to be the frustrated startup owner who’s losing customers to better-ranking competitors.  

We’ve increased website traffic by 75% and engagement by 160% for our clients. You can take our help. Contact us.  

Whether you’re an e-commerce business, personal brand, B2B, or B2C, your website needs to be optimized for SEO.  An effective SEO strategy comprises optimization techniques for on-page, off-page, technical SEO, and UX factors. While the SEO timeline for results is easily 4-6 months, its benefits are innumerable.  

If you’re willing to receive bounty results through compounding, a digital marketing agency (like us!) can help you grow your business.  

We help you strategize your social media, marketing, SEO, and branding.   

Remember, the more work you delegate as a founder, the better you can scale.  

To enquire about our services, contact us here.

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